The correct furniture for The Tropical Paradise

After years of trying different things, I have found the perfect furniture for The Tropical Paradise. I got those "mesh" types of lawn chairs and couple of inexpensive plastic tables. For a long time I had the big, clunky furniture that you put heavy pads on. These would get dirty so quickly, that I had to use towels to sit on them. With the mesh, I can hose them off, they dry in a few minutes, and they are clean! I got mine at Target.

I've seen "outdoor furniture" that only belongs in the pages of a magazine, not anywhere near the real world. If your furniture is so delicate that people don't dare touch it, let alone sit on it, you are defeating the purpose of creating your Tropical Paradise as a garden room. Have lightweight, inexpensive furniture and a few small tables. That way it's easy for people to move them in and out of the shade as needed, and pull up a little table for their cup of tea, or their gin-and-tonic.

Here at the Tropical Paradise, I have the advantage of artificial grass, so I can leave the lawn furniture out all the time, it's not like it's going to kill the grass! And I don't need to move the furniture out of the way to mow, because, well, I don't need to mow.


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