Companion plants for palms and cycads

Palms and cycads are beautiful on their own, but are spectacular in a garden with appropriate companion plants. I am a graphic designer by profession, so aesthetics means a lot to me. I have seen cycad collectors just plant cycads like "tin soldiers", all lined up in a neat little row, and standing all alone, and it really spoils it for me. Cycads seem to love company, and in addition to planting them in masses, give them some friends! Here are some beautiful canna tropicanas, which give a nice broad-leaf tropical effect. But be careful here! These tropical plants do best with a lot of water and with their "feet wet", so do a little careful planning with the level of the ground. The Dioon spinulosum that you see there is planted a good foot higher than the surrounding companion plants. This cycad likes to see water, but it needs to drain off quickly!

In addition to the Cannas, there are Elephant Ears and Phoenix roebellini (dwarf date palms).

Brad draws custom cartoon illustrations for publications, blogs, presentations, anything you want. You can contact him at his website


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