Freesia beginning to bud

It's been a cold winter here in The Tropical Paradise and the freesia are just starting to bud in the third week of February. If yours are starting to do this, and you are wondering "are they supposed to do that?", yes, they should.

The flower stem begins to bend at an angle and the flowers themselves will appear facing up along where you see the bud forming. And if the stalk is already starting to tip over, even before flowers, you need to stake it. I bought some thin bamboo stakes at the dollar store and have tied the stalks already.

Freesia from last year that I didn't stake. They fell down!
Freesia are very heavy bloomers and very top heavy, so I may need to add another tie to the stake at some point. This particular plant is right near where I sit in my chaise-lounge, a nice sunny area. Freesia are beautiful and fragrant, too. They do well here in the Phoenix area. Should starting to bloom in a week or so.


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