Sharing your garden with your best friend
I resisted getting a dog for a long time, because in my experience they don't mix well with gardens. the decision that I finally made for my miniature Tropical Paradise was to get a miniature dog, a tiny little dachshund. It has been quite a challenge, and it has cost me a fair amount of time and money, but I'm glad to have her here. I have done a lot of things to accommodate my dog, and the first one was to have a doggie-door installed. My dog is so small that this door doesn't present any kind of security hazard, but I can't recommend one for a bigger dog, as those can be big enough for bad guys to fit into. Well, skinny bad guys. You will also see that I have added steps below the door. My dog is a dachshund, and has a very fragile back, which gave me quite a scare a couple of years ago, as her back legs were paralyzed for over a month. She got better and I made sure that her world was as safe as I could make it. If you are going to do this, do not be tempted...