Trimming the Elephant Ears after the rain
It just stopped raining and the sun is coming out, after a whole day (and night) of steady rain. The rain is wonderful for the plants and, unlike the violent thunderstorms of the summer, Christmas rains are gentle. I went out to clean up a little after the little dog, look around, that sort of thing, and decided to do some more trimming of the Elephant Ears.
The Elephant Ears grew so much this past summer that by fall they had covered up the Dioon spinulousm cycad (in the center) and the newly planted Phoenix rupicola x reclinata palm tree. Of course, the cycad and the palm tree will eventually get taller than the Elephant Ears.
The Elephant Ears grew so much this past summer that by fall they had covered up the Dioon spinulousm cycad (in the center) and the newly planted Phoenix rupicola x reclinata palm tree. Of course, the cycad and the palm tree will eventually get taller than the Elephant Ears.