How to make daffodils bloom again next year
In order to make daffodils re-bloom year after year, you have to leave the leaves alone after the blooms have spent. I cut the bloom stalk all the way to the ground and allow the leaves to die back naturally to put energy into next year's blooms. Here you can see the King Alfred (on the left) and gradifloria varieties have finished blooming for this year and the leaves are beginning to die back.
Leaving them alone for a neat gardener, like me, is very difficult. I have made the mistake in the past of immediately trimming daffodils after they bloom, and that is the worst thing that you can do. Just let them die back naturally. It will take a few weeks. When they are all brown, you can cut them off.
And, like all bulbs, they multiply in the ground and you will have even more next year. Something to look forward to!
Leaving them alone for a neat gardener, like me, is very difficult. I have made the mistake in the past of immediately trimming daffodils after they bloom, and that is the worst thing that you can do. Just let them die back naturally. It will take a few weeks. When they are all brown, you can cut them off.
And, like all bulbs, they multiply in the ground and you will have even more next year. Something to look forward to!