A sunny day at The Tropical Paradise

It's the third week of January here at The Tropical Paradise and the weather has been fabulous. Sunshine in the backyard only lasts a few hours because of the olive tree, so Macintosh, the good little wiener dog, is making the most of it.

You can see some of the frost damage to the fronds of the Phoenix roebellini (dwarf date palm) and Zamia furfuracea cycad. Note that the Dioon edule var. palma sola (at right) did not get any frost damage.

I have put out a pot with a forced Amaryllis bulb, which is growing like wildfire, but still no beginning of the bloom stalk. The King Alfred Narcissus (daffodils) are coming up all over the place and should be blooming by the middle of next month (February).


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